How are we to recover from the corruption of medicine?
In which governments, medical professionals, immunologists and sometimes a majority of the population supported - and still support - an unprecedented travesty of science and crime against humanity.
The vaccine-centric COVID-19 response is an unprecedented global disaster.
It is a spectacular outgrowth of long term problems due to doctors not correctly advising people on nutrition.
Proper vitamin D3 supplementation would greatly reduce the incidence of many chronic and acute diseases. It would largely prevent sepsis, which kills 11 million people a year: This is 20% of deaths worldwide, each one horrible, as the immune system’s wildly dysregulated inflammatory responses destroy cells indiscriminately, leading to hypoxia and fatal organ damage. (Lack of helminths - intestinal worms [WP] also contributes to excessive inflammation, as does lack of sleep: Irwin 2019.)
If most people had good vitamin D levels, 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D - well beyond what most doctors think are needed - then neither influenza nor COVID-19 would be transmissible at epidemic level, since disease severity and so viral shedding would be greatly reduced. Those who were infected would be much less likely than at present to be harmed or killed - because their immune systems would be working much better than they do today.
The current crisis is also a terrible turn for the worse in the millenia-old struggle between populations and the corrupt, pernicious, actions of the governments they fund, rely upon and to varying degrees choose or tolerate. To read my rant about each population having a spot on which a potentially parasitic government-thing grows, please see the comments on an analysis by Peter Nayland Kust of China’s property, banking and debt crisis:
There is hope amid the gloom. Firstly, Kemi Badenoch seems destined to make a tremendously positive impact on the governance of the UK:
She is likely to inspire and direct many in government to follow proper principles and do much better than at present - and to encourage more like-minded people to enter politics and public administration. [Note added after publication: I am being optimistic, hoping that someone who is so detail-oriented and prepared to think in ways which differ from others in the government might read about vitamin D and the immune system and take appropriate action. I will write to her. I understand she has been a strong supporter of the vaccine-centric approach to COVID-19.]
Secondly, Internet communications provides many opportunities for facilitating understanding and constructive action, though it also empowers those who frighten, cajole, misinform and bully others. Substack is great. See my lists of other Substacks and appreciation for the level of uncensored discussion this company supports. Such Internet communication systems to some extent counter the numerous ways in which Internet social and mainstream media facilitate communication - and now government action - based on fear, anger and impatient, ill-informed thinking:
In the uncensored, positive, tradition of Internet communications, independent medical news and discussion site TrialSite News stands out. I suggest anyone interested in medical research and policy will find the USD$5 a month subscription well worthwhile. Comments are moderated and can be up to 3000 characters. I have encountered no censorship.
In a 2022-07-25 article:
TrialSite founder Daniel O’Connor discussed what it would take to recover from the current disaster.
The comment I wrote to this concerns the entire shebang - the great malaise we find ourselves in. There is no escape. Even if, by wise, auto-didactic learning and self-care we can look after our own health, and the health of our loved ones, without these being harmed by the many corrupt and otherwise inadequate aspects of medicine, we still live in a world in which the majority of people suffer and die unnecessarily because of these. We are still subject to the lockdowns, the fracturing of society, and the mountains of debt and/or taxation by which governments finance their inept and/or corrupt programs.
It would take weeks to write a dozen or so articles citing the most important developments this year in COVID-19 evolution, mRNA and adenovirus vector quasi-vaccine# effectiveness and problems, corruption of medicine etc. I bookmark dozens of items a day, but I will never be able to write such a thing. I wrote about an FDA staffer’s admission of corruption in the FDA:
# I use the term “quasi-” because these treatments do not resemble vaccines. They use messenger RNA to cause our cells to manufacture proteins to give the immune system target practice. They are a form of gene therapy, albeit one not intended to alter DNA. This was admitted in 2021 by the president of Bayer. The fact that these treatments have been referred to as “vaccines” and that this has generally been accepted involves a change in the definition of the term, and so is contentious - because in the mind of most people, this linked them, unreasonably, with genuine vaccines in the past. See: Some background on the US Centers for Disease Control changing their definition of “vaccine”.
In the next few weeks I plan to write articles here concerning:
A simple guide on how much vitamin D3 to take. For now, see the charts at:
Why conventionally recommended vitamin D3 intakes are so inadequate. For now, see:
A simpler account of using calcifediol (which is 25-hydroxyvitamin D) to boost 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels safely over 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L in clinical emergencies, so the immune system can work properly. For now, see:
Here is a somewhat elaborated version of my comment.
Christine Anderson [WP], who lives in Fulda, right in the middle of Germany, is one of the 96 German Members of the European Parliament. She surely has practice in plain-speaking, since her goal was to "lead Germany out of this EU nightmare". Here is her assessment of the global COVID-19 response:
2022-07-28 update: Christine Anderson’s complete speech is in the video after “Watch the full 1hr 30min event here:” at The excerpt above is at 19:39:30.
This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history. Moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity.
Two world wars are tough competition regarding it being the greatest crime against humanity. However, Earth’s population was 1.9 and 2.4 billion for those wars, which affected only a subset of humanity.
Most of the 8 billion people now alive have been at least economically affected by COVID-19 and the misguided and/or criminally inadequate attempts to curtail it. Millions are dead. The official death toll of 6.38 million people is partly an over-estimate because some or many died with COVID-19, not because of it. It is surely an under-estimate since the official figures from India in 2021 were likely an underestimate and because the total death toll includes currently largely unacknowledged deaths due to the quasi-vaccines, economic downturns, social isolation and lack of medical care.
Tucker Carlson is especially angry about the way COVID-19 quasi-vaccines have been foisted on the world, with those who refuse the injections being sacked, defamed and prevented from seeing their loved ones in hospital. This 2022-07-21 program was evidently banned from YouTube:
Everyone should be at least this angry.
If this whole medical disaster was just the world being led astray by a few evil or misguided people at the top, we could identify the culprits, punish them, exclude them from office in perpetuity, try to cope with the harm they caused and move on with principles and laws to prevent any re-occurrence.
However, in Western nations at least, the impetus for the initial COVID-19 response - mRNA and adenovirus quasi-vaccines to the exclusion of everything else - was taken up with enthusiasm, vigor and force by governments, health administrators, medical professionals, immunologists, virologists etc., celebrities and by a large proportion - often the majority - of the general population.
They pushed this experimental quasi-vaccines on themselves and everyone else. This continues to the present day, even though chasing these variants with a narrowly targeted spike protein from 2020 makes no sense.
It made no sense in 2020. Coronaviruses were well known to mutate rapidly and all attempts at producing an effective vaccine against human corona viruses had failed.
In the USA there have been 7 greater than 50% dominant COVID-19 variants in 2.5 years - 4 of them this year.
The Omicron variants originate from an early- to mid-2020 evolutionary branch. Delta was displaced from 96% prevalence in the two weeks to 6th Dec 2021 to 0.3% in the two weeks to 17th January 2022 - by which time Omicron BA.1 made up 97% of the genomes sequenced. Since any specifically targeted vaccine takes 6 to 9 months to develop, produce and widely deploy (assuming months or years of safety testing is not done, which it should be), such narrowly focused interventions will generally be far out-run by such rapid viral evolution.
The past, current and future epidemiological dynamic of SARS-CoV-2 Francois Balloux et al. 2022-06-22 Oxford Open Immunology
Medical professionals were - and still are - to some degree constrained by governments, but their responsibility, like everyone else's, is to the people. They should have pursued the truth, made recommendations according to the highest principles and so explored every option for prevention and treatment. A few did. The great majority did not.
Instead, nutritional and drug treatments were ignored, derided and/or banned in order to focus the public's attention on the quasi-vaccines. Many or most doctors were caught up in the mass hysteria and so legitimised, promoted and were guided by its false tenets.
In 2021 and 2022 the real nature of the vaccine-centric focus became clearer.
Vaccines are sometimes effective and essential. However, they are widely credited with capabilities which exceed reality. For instance, most people believe that influenza vaccines reduce hospitalisations and death - but multiple research studies show that they don’t to any discernible degree:
Vaccines are attractive to many people because they are handed down from on high (multi-billion dollar companies with their labs and factories) and administered, like a cleansing ritual, by priestly, or at least elevated, figures - doctors and nurses. (Can anyone explain what is going on with doctors in the USA so often wearing white coats and dangling stethoscopes around their necks? Here in Australia, doctors dress well, but like ordinary people. Canada?)
It was a mistake to promote these mRNA and adenovirus vector injections as vaccines. (Novavax is a vaccine.) No-one had ever widely deployed a treatment which genetically programmed humans’ cells to produce toxic viral spike proteins (with a suitably modified structure, but there could also be errors, and so novel proteins) on their cell membrane for the express purpose of being used as target practice by the immune system.
Bayer president Stefan Oelrich in October 2021:
The president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division told international “experts” during a globalist health conference that the mRNA COVID-19 shots are indeed “cell and gene therapy” marketed as “vaccines” to be palatable to the public.
“If we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” stated Oelrich.
Governments and many medical professionals, immunologists etc. are so overly-enamoured of (supposedly) glamorous, high-tech, narrowly-targeted, interventions that they now support a wider range of treatments: monoclonal antibodies and now anti-viral drugs. (Unlike the quasi-vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, the anti-viral drugs work against all variants.)
The common factor is that the treatments are patented, expensive and so highly profitable. They are not better tested, more effective, or safer than many of early treatments now available: (See the FDA-approved ones:
No level of incompetence can explain this - the only possible reason for this is corruption of governments, medicine and research and academic publishing related to health and nutrition.
This would not persist if most of the mainstream media critically examined this extreme government support of multinational pharmaceutical companies. However, with rare (usually conservative, rather than left-leaning) exceptions, the mainstream broadcast and Internet media companies have completely supported this program. This is easy to understand due to the massive advertising revenues which flow from pharma companies. The same is true of most social media companies, which have complied with government demands to censor “disinformation” - much of which is fair criticism of the vaccine- and lockdown-centric program.
The Australian government ordered 300,000 courses of Molnupiravir [WP] in October 2021 ( before any test data was released, and two and a half months before the FDA approved it for emergency use. The price was reported as about USD$600 a course.
In July 2022 just 97.4k of these courses were prescribed, which is probably just as well given the safety concerns regarding DNA damage and viral mutation.
500,000 courses of Paxlovid [WP] have arrived and another 500,000 may be on order - yet only 19.5k courses of Paxlovid have been prescribed.
54M AstraZeneca, 126M Pfizer, 25M Moderna and 51M Novavax doses have been purchased This is 255 million doses for a population of 26 million. Ivermectin is banned. No health minister or administrator - and few medical professionals - think about vitamin D or melatonin and other inexpensive, effective, well-tested early treatments.
This is obviously corrupt - or at least strongly corrupted incompetence. But what about the great majority of the 104k+ doctors in Australia who did not speak out about this?
Likewise The UK government refuses to reveal to a widow, whose husband was killed by the AstraZeneca vaccine, what information they have which would make the indemnity granted to AstraZeneca null and void. They confirmed they have such information, but are withholding it (as the law allows them to) because:
the disclosure of that information would prejudice the commercial interests of the companies involved.
The UK government claims:
. . . there is a strong public interest in ensuring that the commercial interests of Government and vaccine suppliers are not damaged or undermined by disclosure of information which is not common knowledge, and which could adversely impact current or future business.
Most doctors are not protesting this. They accede to and support a regime in which they recommend and administer dangerous treatments of limited and sometimes negative value, from companies whose profitability is prioritised by the government over the health and legal rights of their patients.
Doctors were to some extent swept up in this hysteria, but they also drove it. Doctors and immunologists (who have no clue at all about vitamin D, despite it being essential for the intracrine and paracrine signaling by which many types of immune cells individually respond to their circumstances are primarily responsible for this crime against humanity, with the attendant lockdowns, masks and millions of deaths worldwide. Hundreds of millions are disabled by vaccine and disease injury and billions are harmed by neglect due to lockdowns and the diversion of medical attention.
Medical professionals' responsibility is to their patients and more generally the public. The great majority of them fueled and cheered this monstrous juggernaut. They continue to do so, but the harm and limited effectiveness of the mRNA and adenovirus vector quasi-vaccines are becoming better known. I was interested to see that a recent Australian Broadcasting Corporation (100% taxpayer funded) report on COVID-19 re-infections - a nurse has had it three times this year - did not mention vaccines at all:
Humanity relies almost entirely on healthcare professionals for acute healthcare and advice on nutritional and lifestyle choices. Others can do the latter, but only medical professionals have the knowledge, experience, qualifications and inclination to do the extraordinarily difficult work of acute healthcare.
How is this going to work out?
TrialSite founder Daniel O'Connor wrote:
. . . the sooner public health and other government authorities level with the American people with a transparent public health communication program the faster we can hopefully transcend this current conflict-prone situation and advance public health initiatives that can benefit all.
Indeed, but most medical professionals don't like to admit they were wrong, because they believe, largely correctly, that most people’s health depends on them being the primary, or sole, trusted source of advice regarding nutrition and medicine.
Each doctor’s career (and so income and professional identity) could be ruined by them being seen to be wrong about a significant medical decision. Even supporting a treatment or nutritional supplement not yet deemed acceptable by most doctors is enough for the self-policing mechanism to swing into action.
When such a large group of people (10M doctors in the world? 9.4M in 2014.) is so scared of contemplating that they might all have been WRONG, group-think prevails among most of them. Collectively, most doctors are as resistant to learning something about vitamin D and other inexpensive, well-researched, approaches to improving health as waterfowl's feathers are to getting genuinely wet.
It was, and remains, medical professionals' responsibility to advise governments correctly and to resist any advice or directions governments give them which would likely damage the health of their patients or the public.
As far as I can see, only a complete, en-masse, admission of failure, followed by a restructuring of the entire field of medicine, research, academic publishing and health administration to prevent any re-occurrences, could lead to a proper resolution of the current disaster. Such a transformation would dwarf those which put an end to doctors smoking, and which convinced them all to wash their hands after visiting the morgue, before their maternity ward rounds.
Similar transformations are needed in the minds of many people, especially those in government and mass media. We should work to bring all this about, since I see no alternative - but it could take decades.
Hey mate! I share your love of Kemi Badenoch! Not only is she an engineer and pushing back on some of the Culture War narratives we have imported from America, but she seems to wish to pursue a more sensible approach to climate change, which I presume includes far more extensive use of nuclear. There is a reason why Sweden and France are the most successful advanced economies at tackling climate change, just as both Germany, New Zealand and California have proven conclusively that an overreliance on solar and wind is an abject failure by every conceivable metric.
With winter fast approaching, Europe is about to see the full consequences of historic poor decisions by our leaders, in choosing to opt for crowd-pleasing, yet ultimately ineffective climate change solutions.