I know enough about vitamin D to take 10,000 units daily in winter, 5,000 in summer. I am not overweight or obese and weigh 170 lbs. The last time I had a test, my level was 95.

I almost never get sick. I have no depression or anxiety. I have no trouble maintaining a normal weight. Vitamin D3 is my superpower.

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Mar 17Liked by Robin Whittle

There are some tiny comments in the graphics regarding BMI, overestimating obesity in taller adults and underestimating it in shorter adults. This is because the formula for BMI assumes that weight should be proportional to height^2. A study I read many years ago in a mathematics journal established that weight is more closely proportional to height^2.5. Given that new exponent, I derived an improved formula for BMI:

5895*(weight in pounds)/(height in inches)^2.5

This matches the conventional BMI for people 6 feet tall.

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Feb 20Liked by Robin Whittle

I keep wondering whether there are any elderly care homes that have been studied with their residents vitamin d levels checked, proper supplementation and whether this influences flu outbreaks and deaths? Everything I read seems to indicate that adequate vit D should be standard practice with all residents.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Robin Whittle

I agree with most of your post but there is an exception : obese women should be very careful before supplementing.

When you analyse RCT's, you see a worrying signal : vitamin D supplementation might INCREASE cancer incidence and cancer death in obese people.

See this meta-analysis on cancer incidence (daily dosages only - I do not consider RCT where intermittent bolus are given because they are not reliable) - Fig 2.D : https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC9427835/figure/Fig2/

There is the same signal with cancer mortality (source : supplementary material of this more recent meta-analysis) : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10214278/

Supplementary table 12 A+B. Subgroup analyses for the efficacy

of vitamin D3 supplementation on cancer mortality in the general population

BMI (kg/m²)

VITAL (Manson, 2018) FIND (Virtanen, 2022)

< 25. 0.566 (0.381; 0.842) NA

25 - < 30 0.894 (0.642; 1.246) 1.149 (0.399; 3.306

≥ 30 1.158 (0.756; 1.775) 1.769 (0.487; 6.427)

Supplementary table 14 A+B. Subgroup analyses for the efficacy

of vitamin D3 supplementation for cancer specific survival of cancer patients

BMI (kg/m²)

VITAL (Manson, 2018) FIND (Virtanen, 2022)

< 25. 0.758 (0.510; 1.128) NA

25 - < 30 0.815 (0.584; 1.136) 0.801 (0.273; 2.350)

≥ 30 0.998 (0.650; 1.532) 1.775 (0.488; 6.460)

Cancer site

VITAL (Manson, 2018)

Prostate cancer 0.300 (0.084; 1.077)

Colorectal cancer 0.519 (0.224; 1.201)

Breast cancer 1.418 (0.400; 5.028)

Lung cancer. NA

Now, how could this be possible ? How could vitamin D, which is so powerful against cancer, increase the danger of cancer in obese people - and apparently, especially breast cancers in obese women ?

I have no idea, but a French researcher has put forward an interesting hypothesis in this study :

"The interaction between 25(OH)D and BMI has already been observed in previous large prospective studies (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, Nurses’ Health Study) with results in line with ours (18, 19, 20), that is, a tendency for an inverse association in lean women and/or a direct association in women with a higher BMI. (...) Conversely, some mechanistic hypotheses may be suggested to explain the direct association observed between 25(OH)D and breast cancer risk in women with a BMI ≥ the median. Increasing BMI was associated with lower circulating 25(OH)D concentrations (14, 15), which is probably because of a dilution of the lipophilic 25(OH)D in fat mass (16). Thus, increasing 25(OH)D blood concentration is likely to be correlated with increasing 25(OH)D in fat mass. Besides, 1,25(OH)2D synthesis depends on a ratio between the activity of its degradation enzyme and its production enzyme. This ratio may be positively associated with blood 25(OH)D concentration variations, with enhanced degradation when vitamin D status is high (39). Moreover, in the adipose tissue of obese people, this ratio may be altered, with a decreased activity of production enzymes and no difference for degradation enzymes (17). This suggests that, in overweight/obese people, higher 25(OH)D may be associated with a higher 1,25(OH)2D degradation and thus a lower antiproliferative signal in the adipose tissue and its microenvironment. Thus, this could affect the mammary cells because the mammary gland is surrounded by adipose tissue (40).

If true, this is of major importance. We tend to recommend that obese people take 2 or 3 times the dose of vitamin D, but it might be bad advice.

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Feb 15Liked by Robin Whittle

Just trying to sift through the mire. This seems contradictory:


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Link at bottom

Great feature - thank you.

Having studied D3 supplementation, it sometimes is surprising to see the authors consistently seem to not mention the Coimbra Protocol and its inventor Dr. Coimbra.

I call Dr. Coimbra a GIANT of Vitamin D research .

This of course refers to the Brazilian Neurologist who I believe made a massive contribution to vitamin D research.

In my view Dr. Coimbra made TWO massive discoveries. He also expanded knowledge in ABSORTION categories.

So - If there a third major discovery it is AGAIN as proven by other GIANTS that HUMANS have different abilities to ABSORB biomolecules..

IN ESSENCE it it not how much you take , but also, how much you absorb.

Coimbra discovered the last and forth level of absortion called VITAMIN or/biomolecule "RESISTENCE."

Rare people in this category may need to consume a hundred or more times of a biomolecule to achieve the sane absortion of a healthy person.

Worse, this gets into complex theory and science such as microbiome factors, and aspects like "cellular receptors, channels or transporters that somehow seemingly get shut down, or reduced , usually called "RATE LIMITED" discovered by the great Dr. Derrick Lonsdale (Orthomolecular Hall of Fame with both Dr Pauling, and Dr. Abram Hoffer, Dr. Lonsdale did all the pioneering research on Vitamin B1 Thiamine.

Dr. Linus Pauling truly made Vitamin C a household name, and Dr Abram Hoffer did all the pioneering science on Vitamin B3.

For simplicity the ABSORTION CATEGORIES they discovered are:

1. Normal Healthy Absorption

2. DEFICIENT and Minor RESISTANT (Dr. Abram Hoffer discovery)

3. DEFICIENT and now DEPENDANT for health (Discovety again by Dr. Abram Hoffer , and Dr. Linus Pauling))

4 EXTREME RESISTANCE (Discovety of Dr. Coimbra )


This implies three or more people of equal weight, and age could take the exact same dose and get very different circulating levels of 25 -hydroxylated D3.

This implies immediately that getting your D blood test is potentially critical and not to make assumptions.

Note At home Vitamin D test kits are available in some parts of the world.

Of course Big Pharma has made them unavailable and generally ILLEGAL if sold in the USA and Canada .

Looking at Coinbra after digressing....

The major two discoveries made by Dr. Coinbra are

1. Simply put D3 is NOT TOXIC even at daily doses for many years at 300,000 IU PER DAY.

He has also not experienced the feared hyperglycemia (with rare exceptions which are likely disguised as other health conditions or comorbitities.

2. Dr. Coinbra literally had to realize that certain DREADED diseases (MS ALS patients) amd in view of absorption issues - ACTUALLY NEED TO TAKE IP TO 300,000 IU per day every day of their life .

At these super high doses and ONLY at these HIGH doses daily - did patients make remarkable recoveries.

In fact, one MS PATIENT wrote an entire book on the praises and miracle she received by Dr. Coinbra.

Why this information is suppressed is likely as per Dr Pierre Kory (FLCCC) is that BIG OHARMA fears and actively suppresses vitamin D3 info because it has potential to literally destroy the disease notion and greatly harm the fat profits made by industry and doctors pushing prescription drugs.

Enough said .

Take your vitamin D3

Take a lot, and do not fear .

Get your blood tested for D level

Don't forget there are MANY wonderfully beneficial OTHER supplements from HEALING ORTHOMOLECULAR Medicine such as Vitamin C, K2, B3 as flush Niacin, B2, B1,,B12, B9, L LYSINE, NAC (N ACETYL CYSTEINE) TAURINE, Magnesium, Selenium, Iodine etc .

Enough said .

Best in Health .

Link to Dr. Coimbra


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