Dr Pierre Kory talks with Tucker Carlson about excess deaths, COVID-19 quasi-vaccines, vitamin D and the corruption of medicine
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Dr Pierre Kory pierrekorymedicalmusings.com is an intensive care specialist in the USA. He pioneered the use of ultrasound in ICUs and emergency rooms. He is best known for his work with the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, of which he is now President and Chief Medical Officer: covid19criticalcare.com/about-the-flccc/our-physicians/.
I believe that every English speaking adult in the world should listen to this interview:
Except perhaps in the most remote locations, everyone in the world has - and still is - affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the disastrous mainstream response, at least in Western nations, which covers up the man-made origins of the virus and harms and kills tens to hundreds of millions of people through withholding proper treatments, while encouraging or mandating ineffective, unsafe, mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and adenovirus vector (Astrazeneca, J&J, Sputnik in Russia) quasi-vaccines.
This has profoundly reduced public trust in doctors and health authorities.
The same corrupt, inept forces which caused this also suppress proper understanding and use of nutrients such as vitamin D3 (which most of the articles here concern) but also numerous inexpensive, well-researched, effective, safe, treatments for COVID-19 and other diseases. c19early.org.
This corrupt and inept - and some argue persuasively, malicious - pattern of behaviour among the majorities of Western:
Governments and their health authorities,
Pharmaceutical companies,
Academic journals,
Virologists and
blights human health to a profound degree.
Dr Kory is one of the heroes of the medical responses to this deadly corruption of medicine, science and health administration.
He discusses:
The high level of excess deaths in many Western countries, since 2021, which follow a pattern consistent with many such deaths being caused by the mRNA and adenovirus vector COVID-19 quasi-vaccines.
This pattern of elevated death rates is highly statistically significant, and most affects young (under 60) white-collar, employed people. These people do not have high rates of death or disability from COVID-19 or other diseases.
The life insurance industry recognising this, at least in the USA, but not yet acting decisively to determine the cause.
Likewise a rise in the proportion of the population who cannot work and so must rely on disability benefits.
The complete failure of the responsible authorities to investigate the causes of these excess deaths.
The importance of early treatment for COVID-19, and how authorities have dismissed and ignored these in favour of expensive, profitable, treatments which are not as safe or effective as claimed.
The need for population wide vitamin D3 supplementation, early in the pandemic.
The corruption of academic publishing.
Please listen to the interview, in which Dr Kory refers to an article by long-time vitamin D researcher Bill Grant PhD (CV):
Vitamin D acceptance delayed by Big Pharma following the Disinformation Playbook
William B. Grant
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service 2018-10-01
In this article five tactics are listed:
The same tactics:
are listed in:
The disinformation playbook: how industry manipulates the science-policy process—and how to restore scientific integrity
Genna Reed, Yogi Hendlin, Anita Desikan, Taryn MacKinney, Emily Berman and Gretchen Goldman
Journal of Public Health Policy 2021-11-22
Quotes from the interview regarding the importance of vitamin D and the suppression of this and of early treatments for COVID-19
For the search engine findable record, here are some quotes regarding vitamin D and the “disinformation playbook” which the pharmaceutical industry has long deployed to suppress its use.
Dr Kory had experienced the same pattern regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine, corticosteroids [WP - especially the anti-inflammatory drugs prednisone/prednisolone WP and dexamethasone WP] and then ivermectin [WP and pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/the-last-of-the-big-seven-fraudulent]. Bill Grant emailed him a link to the above article and Dr Kory recognised that the manipulation and lies had just observed with these early treatments had, for decades, been directed at vitamin D.
[27:48] PK: The main problem was that we [the mainstream Western medical response, including that of the government agencies] were not treating. We were literally saying “supportive care only”. This was the first year - fluids for hydration, nutrition, oxygen, Tynelol for fever [acetaminophen AKA paracetamol to reduce fever, which I think is generally unnecessary and likely to reduce the immune system’s response to infections: aminotheory.com/cv19/fever/] - that’s what is called “supportive care”.
TC: I could do that in my house.
PK: Like Paul [Marik], my partner, says: “There is no disease you cannot treat.”
There’s really simple stuff which we knew would help fortify immune systems and help protect against severe disease, that we thought were super-safe, that on a risk/benefit precautionary principle we should have, just as a rule, recommended.
Vitamin D for one. We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign, nationwide. This would have been very easy to do.
Now, as an aside, vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three of four decades, by the pharmaceutical industry.
TC: Why?
PK: It threatens the disease model . . . We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker.
TC: Vitamin D like in milk? [Note: The USA is one of the few countries which fortify milk with vitamin D. The quantity is very small and they use vitamin D2, which is less effective than vitamin D3. See my arguments for putting all efforts into proper vitamin D3 supplementation, and none into food fortification: vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#07-fortif.]
PK [28:55]: Yes. Vitamin D is a whole other discussion.
They are terrified of vitamin D.
Our normal . . . [He uses his thumb and index finger, separated vertically by an inch or so, and seems about to give a mini vitamin D pep-talk regarding the lousy 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels most people have, unless they supplement vitamin D3 properly. However, Tucker Carlson breaks in.]
TC: “If you find yourself terrified of vitamins, you are probably on the wrong side!”
PK: “There you go, I think you got it!”
I wrote a book called The War on Ivermectin. The genesis of that book is not only my expertise on ivermectin and my vast clinical experience, but . . . and I told the story before . . .
I got an email, during this journey, from a guy named William B. Grant - he’s a professor out in California.
He wrote me this email one day - my life was going totally sideways, because our protocols focused on ivermectin, its used a lot in my practice as it was by tens of thousands of doctors around the world, to really good benefit.
I was getting attacked. There were hit-jobs in the media.
He wrote me this email and he said: “Dear Dr Kory, What they are doing to ivermectin, they have been doing to vitamin D for decades.”
He included a link to an article called “The Disinformation Playbook”, and it’s got five tactics. These are the five tactics that all industries employ when science emerges that is inconvenient to their interests.
So I’m just going to give you an example. Ivermectin science was extremely inconvenient to the interests of the pharmaceutical industrial complex.
It threatened the vaccine campaign. It threatened vaccine-hesitancy, which was public enemy number one. We know that all the propaganda and censorship was literally going after something called “vaccine hesitancy”.
TC: I experienced vaccine-hesitancy myself.
PK: A terrible condition! Or life-saving!
TC: I am so grateful for it.
PK [30:40]: They deployed disinformation and I didn’t understand what was going on, Tucker, because when, for instance, I gave testimony in a Senate hearing for the first time in May 2020. Nothing to do with ivermectin.
I just said that it was critically important that corticosteroids be used in the hospital phase of the disease.
I was attacked widely for saying that, even by my own university. They did not want me talking to the press.
And that was based on the expert opinion of my group: Umberto Meduri was one of them, with several of the world experts in lung injuries and corticosteroids, myself and Paul [Marik] . . . and we were validated there, because two months later, a trial came out of Oxford, showing huge mortality reductions when you use corticosteroids. And now, it is the standard of care worldwide.
Six months later, I go back. Now I am an expert in an early treatment drug, which is ivermectin. I do the same testimony, that goes viral on a Fox News website, which was most watched.
It got up to nine million views - and it was taken down in the middle of the night.
[Tucker Carlson smiles at this instance of censorship by the network who fired him two or so years later.]
PK: And this is before the fraudulent trials which supposedly showed that it didn’t work.
So they had no data to show it didn’t work. All the data showed that it worked.
Now they changed that equation, using disinformation.
I couldn’t figure it out.
I gave that testimony and the Associated Press did a hit-job on me, in two days.
They sent the reporter. I buried her with all this data, all these trials, all these health ministries in South America and other places that were literally obliterating COVID . . . and she wrote an article about how its another drug to be debunked, like hydroxychloroquine.
She even wrote about some couple who drank a fish [tank] cleaner or something like that.
This was in an article interviewing me about ivermectin.
We actually filed an ethics complaint . . .
This was how naive I was, this was over two years ago.
We filed an ethics complaint to the Associated Press. We were so disturbed by this article.
We didn’t know that the fix was in.
But, the point of that story is, when he [Bill Grant] sent me the link to that article, I read it, and it was like . . . my mind exploded.
It suddenly saw the world differently, because every tactic that it described, I had a dozen examples of, in relation to ivermectin and even hydroxychloroquine.
And so I saw that myself and our organization were literally like the Bad News Bears [WP]
fighting a war against a global disinformation campaign, trying to destroy early effective treatment drugs, in order to prop up this vaccine campaign.
TC: Craziness!
PK: That’s my life.
TC: So what you are really saying is that the drug companies applied pressure to the medical establishment to withhold lifesaving treatment so that people would have no option but the vaccine?
[Pierre Kory goes on to describe the central role which the academic journals play in this thoroughly corrupted process, citing editors who quit their positions in protest about it in recent decades.]
Yep. I still see jab shills attacking vit D.