What's interesting with COVID is that it hasn't necessarily shone a light onto the capture of regulatory bodies; I believe many people are aware that there's a lot of backdoor engagements going on that uphold many benefits for the pharmaceutical companies.

What COVID has shown is that, when provided the right manipulative narrative, large swarms of people would be made to defend the malfeasance of pharmaceutical industries. If we were in any other non-COVID year I think many people would have been aghast at hearing about a rushed vaccine or pushing through a drug with hardly any evidence of both safety and efficacy. Now these people, through 2 years of training and learned helplessness, now bend to the will of the pharmaceutical manufacturers as their only ticket out of the Pandemic. No exercise, no vitamins, no examination of repurposed drugs, just this parochial viewpoint that this is the only thing that will save us all.

And thanks for including my post! As an aside, because of how Omicron is playing out part of me believes that within a month or 2 of distributing Molnupiravir the EUA will be revoked for lack of effectiveness. It's strange that, with Omicron being so different compared to prior variants that treatment has not been updated to reflect that!

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022Liked by Robin Whittle

I have posted here before. Check out Amazon to see how exceedingly inexpensive D3 can be when you buy it in the powder form >>> https://www.amazon.com/BulkSupplements-Vitamin-Cholecalciferol-Powder-Grams/dp/B00EV16SAU | One pound for $32. If I bought this I would need a fine scale to measure out my daily dose of 10000 iu D3. Since I would pay $32, this means the CDC could buy it by the ton and delivered for $15/lb.

The CDC could have the tonnage delivered to its Atlanta HQ, to finally get some useful labor out of its personnel, as they packed it into plastic bottles. As they sent every US household an ounce or two along with 5 tiny measuring spoons. 5 since they will lose some. This D3 will cost the CDC $30000 per ton. To send this out to 150 million US households... You do the math. My lightning guess is 5-10-20 million dollars.

Instead we went the Fauci-Phama$$-lockdowns-masks-vaxxx route that has killed our small business economy. Of course the Amazons, Walmarts, Home Depots did more business and higher profits.

Sending out free D3 to all US households and nursing homes, commencing in March 2000 would have saved more lives. Look at the endless spike protein vaxxxxx and boosters propaganda we have endured. This should have been D3 propaganda.

This last paragraph is for general consumption. That I might toss up on the UK Daily Mail. Of course Robin knows what ng/ml means>>>

If you wanna be free. Get your D3 up to 93. Get your D3 levels checked and get them up to 93 ng/ml. If you do not know what ng/ml means, then you are really in the dark. 10000 d3 daily should get the average 150lb person up to 75 ng/ml in 2-3 months.

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